"Good preparation. Cang Shen smiled." Where’s your brother? "

The whole people looked a little embarrassed and said, "I haven’t reached the depths of the sky and sat wide."
Cang Shen nodded naturally and went into a comfortable tent that he had prepared. Even though this mountain lurks, a powerful monk like him can still get good treatment. Looking at his forehead, he is sweating and kind, and he has some pity. If I had known today, I would have had it. Even if you have another opinion with your brother, after all, it is a family. "Digging your own vein like Cisheng and then relying on outsiders to seize the position to hide it is not a good strategy."
When Cang Shen’s surface was still very satisfied with the arrangement of Ci Sheng, a middle-aged man in a gray robe Ci Sheng immediately stopped him when he came out of the tent.
CiSheng smell speech look a vibration "
【 Chapter one hundred and seventy-two Broken 】
There are two or three small mountain villages in the ambush area, a lot of mobile and Unicom signal-based pipelines, and so on. www is in a good condition. There are bright lights and warning signs at the dangerous corners of the whole mountain, which makes everyone know. This is not something they are more familiar with and feel more comfortable with in the spiritual world.
The ordinary people didn’t hide their tracks. He flew against the wind with a bright silver-blue sword light. The speed and speed of the ordinary people didn’t seem to be very leisurely at all. He just flew over and everyone’s attention was attracted
"Ready!" Several monks in the construction period separately informed the situation to "be ready to wait and see that a few people move, and be careful not to involve themselves."
It’s absolutely a dangerous feast for others for powerful monks to fight against each other. While watching, you can always gain high-level monks in one way or another. It’s not something they can measure, but those scattered psionic powers that miss the right tactics and firm but gentle strokes are very deadly if they are not careful. But today, due to the large number of middle-level and high-level monks here, a large number of low-level monks and practitioners are most rooted in enclosing the whole domain to prevent people from escaping.
Cang took a deep breath and Ci Sheng picked out the magic weapon "evil axe" in his fiery eyes. The shape of the evil axe is simple, and it has been inherited by generations for hundreds of years. Later, those shapes became more and more complicated, and it was almost different from dazzling techniques. At that time, the magic weapon only focused on powerful evil axes. After several wars, it was stained with the blood of the enemy. I don’t know how many generations of people were strong, and the evil axe was always brave in murder. When it was scattered, it was almost obvious to the naked eye that Cang Shen pulled out the evil axe. Ci Sheng immediately felt a sharp force.
"Cang Shen’s adult has to rely on you this time. Ci Sheng is extremely humbly said.
"Well, Cang Shen just responded with an axe and went out. He lifted the tent curtain, and a strong momentum poured out from his body. A crimson flame went up into the sky, and Cang Shen jumped directly towards the whole people without hesitation.
Seeing this crimson flame, some of the people lurking around are pouncing on several surrounding mountain villages in the sky, and immediately throwing * * array or similar magic array makes the ordinary people in the surrounding mountain villages fall into a coma. If you don’t know what is happening around you, a few powerful people directly under the benevolent hand will set up an aura shield outside the mountain village or simply suspend to prepare to block those psionic powers that leak out in the battle. This is not benevolent and soft-hearted, but he won’t care about ordinary people, but it’s a rule in the spiritual world that he won’t get himself into trouble. He is very careful.
In this scene, Cang Shen and the ordinary people are tacitly aware that if they directly reveal what kind of connection they have, they can’t tell clearly that they are connected with evil cultivation. It is said that there are many connections between the right practice and evil cultivation, but if someone really wants to pour sewage on the ordinary people, it is a fatal handle. Cang Shen is naturally white. This point is about how things have developed today. The ordinary people owe him a personal favor and Peng Xuefang a favor. It is doomed that it is more beneficial to hide the bottom, and Cang Shen will not go to pierce it.
In the face of the whole life, the monk, who belongs to the peak of the foundation period, burst out and fought * * so that he didn’t have to leave. He drank a heavy hand and chopped it towards the whole life.
The whole people look at this pocket and come to an axe and admire that the world can bring such a simple and seemingly barbaric trick to this point. It seems to be simple. One axe can shine with white light on the one hand and a meager green fluorescence on the other. This is that there are different psionic powers attached to both sides of the axe, and once the wound is attached, it will make it more difficult to treat the wound. Those therapeutic spells and spells may have a good effect on healing the wound, but it is necessary to pioneer the three-way treatment except that two different psionic powers can heal again. " It seems to be a simple trick, and the technical content is not low.
A cluster of sparks came out from the air friction blade of the axe and immediately ignited the whole axe.
The flame is not healthy and normal. The orange color is actually mixed with the black flashing pale color from time to time, which makes the whole people even more surprised. This is evil worship. Let’s not talk about how difficult it is for psionic powers to constitute evil inflammation. Let’s say that there is a strong corrosive force in evil inflammation, which makes the whole people have to play a 120 thousand spirit.
There is no lack of means to meet the enemy. His back hangs on his back, and the sword in the sword box rises to the sky. His feet are driven by the flying sword, but he flies back to the sword box. The bright silver-blue sword light disappears and a golden sword disappears.
I heard that one or two fairy treasures collided with each other and sent out an earth-shattering sound wave, which seemed to be a storm blowing directly in all directions. Those practitioners who could not cultivate well were directly seated on the ground by this sound wave.
"Cang Shen is here?" After this trick, the two men blinked tacitly, and each of them put away his magic weapon and talked about it. If you don’t say anything, you will fight so hard, which is too fake.
Just now, the powerful impact of the weapon handover made Cang Shen frank. He laughed. "What happened? I am evil and you are the right way. Do I need a reason to kill you? "
"Don’t need it? Look at these people around you, aren’t they all your disciples? There are quite a few people in the right path. What does this mean? " The whole people simply said
Hum, if you hit me, you can find a guy and catch it. You can naturally ask what you want to know. You can’t beat me. What do you know? Come on, let’s try the old-fashioned means again. "Pale deep cold hum repeatedly said nothing and immediately split it with an axe."
The whole people even sighed, and the golden flying sword seemed to suddenly dissolve into a golden light fog to protect him. He had no god to resist the axe of the whole people. Just now, the axe was less powerful than before, and the axe was just dipped into the golden light fog, and it was gently pushed toward the side by a powerful but gentle force.
Cang Shen Yi’s means of life really surprised him. Although they are "fake" repairable, magic weapons and all kinds of spells in their hands are true, he did some homework and knew all kinds of sword tactics at home like the back of his hand. But these tricks are quite different from what he learned before. Isn’t the home always famous for its fierce network? When did the whole people have such soft and ingenious means?
The whole people picked up the sword tactic with their hands respectively, and after listening to him, two flying swords with two handles were fired from the sword box to form an arc, and they were strangled to the depths.
I’m interested in the depth of the sky. This means of life is really high. There is no ancestor of the then period who can settle down in the Chinese spiritual world. Really, there must be such an extraordinary person. When you think about it carefully, it’s not a blow, but several subtle impacts to form a soft touch. It’s still a flying sword. This flying sword technology has become superb. It seems that you have your own spirituality.
On the one hand, the golden flying sword can incarnate the fog. On the other hand, the speed is so fast that even he can accurately capture it. On the other hand, this dexterity and accuracy are also outrageous. Fortunately, if they really fight each other, people don’t know how to display their magical powers by relying on this golden flying sword.
For the two flying swords, I don’t hesitate to take an axe and sweep them directly, and then I chop them off with an axe towards the whole life. If Lei Guang condenses his strength and sends this blow towards the whole life, he is not trying to cut down the whole life, but is eager to know how far the golden flying sword can defend against the light fog.
The whole people smiled bitterly, but he didn’t expect Cang Shen to encounter such a fierce "fake fight" that he could exert his strength without any self-cultivation of actors. Although two people performed like this, those people around him wouldn’t doubt it, but it’s not cost-effective to put it there.
The whole life is exciting, and the golden fog instantly condenses into a sword shape in suspension, facing the deep and direct sky.
Cisheng has looked silly. He never thought that the whole life was so strong that the whole life displayed the sword tactic. Even though it was ever-changing, he could still see that the sword tactic was based on various changes. The sword tactic was too fierce and lacked auxiliary means. My brother would practice some other methods, especially defensive techniques. Although he didn’t stop his brother from practicing his things, he practiced his sword tactic himself. He just understood it and never touched his sword tactic. If the whole life dies, no one will take these measures.
CiSheng vaguely regret some fear at this moment.
"They played really lively." In the distance, Jiang did not believe that he rolled his eyes and said to Lin Yuquan, "Let’s also get ready. Look at those people who are about to succumb. It won’t be long before the two of them play like this, and we will start together as soon as others start work."
Lin Yuquan nodded his head consciously and tried to remove his eyes from the fray and said, "It’s Jiang’s predecessor."
Jiang unbelief raised his eyebrows and said, "There are too many of them, otherwise it is not impossible for your master to kill them all." At some point, he sighed, and he was also the kind of fighting madman who felt a strong fighting spirit when he saw the performance of the whole people and Cang Shen.
【 Chapter one hundred and seventy-three tacit understanding 】
Happy, happy, happy today, I can’t help but come to you to help guide me. "I have to find a way to leave first. www, we’ll play a game when we find it later." "pale deep sound to the whole.
The whole life is in distress situation, but I have to say that it is also very beneficial to play against such a top monk as Cang Shen. Now it is difficult to find a good opponent in the field of practice, but it is just right to say that everyone has almost the same practice to learn from the right path. Perhaps the two monks, Jiang Unbelief and Lin Ya, have not lost their friendship during the foundation period. After a little thought, the whole life promised, "So good, you can give it to me later."
Cang Shen nodded slightly, so small a movement in the boundless night can make the whole life see clearly, right?
After a brief chat, the two men immediately became a mass of people’s tactics, and before a change, his tactics were chic, fluent, soft and ingenious, full of continuous sense of flowing water. The conversion between attack and defense was very abundant, but now his every move revealed that he had to kill the air and attack the net fiercely, and he simply didn’t procrastinate at all. Others looked as if the previous frontal attacks were so powerful that the people had to pursue the power of sword tactic to fight, but Cang Shen was white in his heart.
Previously, it was absolutely impossible for both of them to leave their hands. Can there be any problem? The ability of the magical golden flying sword handle of the whole life will never be able to resist the problem. The transformation of the whole life has left a very full opportunity for everyone to evacuate
Godsworn has the law of Godsworn, but some basic principles are still common. Powerful sword tactics and spells will naturally be longer when they accumulate psionics, and the gap between attack and defense in two rounds will be longer. Others may not be able to grasp this gap, but it is enough for them to do whatever they want, such as ordinary people and deep currents. If they tacitly change their tactics, everyone will have time to react.
Cisheng looked at the situation in the field, and his heart was anxious. At this time, the little guilt and guilt were replaced by panic. There are several masters in evil practice, and they are famous for their strong fighting power. How can they suppress the whole life? Then they monks and yogis can show their positions and completely surround them. I didn’t expect that the fighting power of the whole life is so much stronger than that of Cisheng, and the whole life can’t be suppressed. "If we let the whole life go, Cisheng can’t imagine what will happen."
"Give it to me!" Cisheng winked at a friar around him, and then the man shot a sword of light at the whole life after a binge drinking.
With such a person taking the lead, those people around you have chosen flying swords and magic weapons. At that time, they are full of all kinds of colors. They are just frowning. This kind of attack on the order of magnitude is impossible to capture their figure unless they can anticipate their actions and shoot them where they are staying. However, it is full of brilliance, and their actions will still be somewhat limited. After all, no one thinks it is fun to be attacked by a few others.
Seeing such a messy chapter attack, the other side quietly approached Lin Jin’s mouth and hung a contemptuous smile. Now no one is more professional than her and her Qiong Qi army. The Emperor Jiang’s army from the Qiong Qi army is just lucky and equipped with a lot of lingyan guns to get results one after another, but Lin Jin knows best, but if it weren’t for Qiong Qi’s strict discipline and very hard practice, it would never have been possible to get such and such results. It is also a psionic and magic weapon. Flying swords to carry out group attacks, there are at least 30 ways for the Qiong Qi Army to deal with various situations. If those practitioners in the field are all Qiong Qi soldiers, both of them can absolutely get away from supporting one side to suppress the other, and the Qiong Qi Army is very skilled in tricks. They have a strong leader to support.
"You also prepare for it. If there are fewer people, don’t rush to die and block the passage." Lin Jin told Lin Tongyang lightly.
Lin Tongyang nodded, and then went to decorate the other side of Shu Mountain to deal with the abnormal situation of the demon refining tower. They left two revolving tubes and lingyan guns to Shu Mountain’s younger brother, such as the old ten-hair lingyan bombs, which were enough for them to consume for a while. Now, Lin Tongyang and a few other people with him rushed to those Qiong Qi army sergeants who were just nearby, and their sharp power was not just a revolving tube gun and several lingyan guns, but they made these things standard for no one in the world.
They are just blocking the other side’s retreat and looking for opportunities to capture a few other practitioners alive to find a way to get their mouths out. Although this battle was organized and provoked by Ci Sheng, if there is no strict evidence, it will not be conducive to clearing up the family’s troubles after the whole life. If you want to get rid of your brother, it will be very painful …
A group of enemy monks attacked the whole life, and the instant Jiang did not believe in his body, so he moved a gorgeous green light, and from it, several fine lights formed patches of sword rain, which enveloped the past from the other side, knowing that those were all enemies and Jiang did not believe in his hand, and he was never kind.
"Adult enemy attack" The whole people called for help "
"Helper! ? How come Jiang doesn’t believe it? " Not good "We are exposed and ready to go at once! "Cisheng was flustered, but he immediately thought of Matsubara, who was trying in the demon tower at the moment. He wanted to correct himself with so much strength that he could sell all his face. Only then did so many people gather together and the mysterious man behind him turned around and invited Cang Shen, which added a little confidence to him, but now it’s all over." Since the monks can’t run the temple, since the whole people have told others about it, there will be vigilance over there in Shushan for Matsu. Cisheng knows that he can still influence the decision over there in Shushan. The elder won’t sell his face. The whole family is the owner of each family, which is more justified. What’s more, Nie Xin is surrounded by a genius brother of Shushan, Qingxiu? The influence of a genius brother in the sect is very different.
At this moment, Ci Sheng can’t consider leaving. Although he can’t repair well, there are quite some good magic weapons around him. He set up a defensive magic weapon, the spectroscope, and rushed towards one side of the mountain. His brother and several close monks quickly followed. They moved very, very quietly. If they caught the attention of others, they found these individuals to collapse immediately and form a chaotic array, but no one could cover them and escape.
When he was ready to escape, he still looked angrily at the dark and deep people in the middle of the battle. The two men were still fighting fiercely, but when they saw the movement around them, they all put away their skills briefly and kept some of their ability to protect themselves from being killed. It was unexpected that the dark was the one who leaked the news to the whole people.
"Cang Shen, we’re here for this fight. Farewell to the whole world."
Cang Shen looked at the people and nodded his head. He drank a lot. A crimson flame exploded in his center and swept across the whole valley. When the flame disappeared, Cang Shen was gone. No one could take him away in this way. Who knows how Cang Shen escaped from the light group? Or maybe he’s hiding in an inconspicuous place nearby.
When Cang Shen left, the whole life didn’t feel relaxed, and a deeper haze hung over his heart. He had to face the kindness that gave birth to his brother.
The powerful spirit swept the whole battlefield, and Ci Sheng hid himself, and almost instantly he appeared in front of Ci Sheng.
"Are you here to kill me?" Cisheng asked in horror.
"I should ask you this sentence. Are you here to kill me?" There is a hint of sadness in the ordinary life. The most trustworthy thing in the spiritual world is the family. Even if there are big differences between the ministries, the interests of the family will be given priority in the face of all kinds of external things. It is a longer-term practice for a family to continue for thousands of years. It is precisely because of this that it is necessary to make people understand the kindness. Because of his selfishness and obsession, he may have to face difficulties in the next few decades and hundreds of years
"Ha, ha, ha, I didn’t expect that the whole people, who can’t play tricks, actually gave me Yin. How did you know about today’s things? Or do you say, "You’ve been ready for a long time? "cisheng face ferocious.
Lin Jin and Jiang don’t believe that there is a tacit understanding to search and kill the enemy in the distance. It is not interesting for the monks to lean over and listen to this conversation between the two brothers.
"Yuquan hasn’t come yet and told me everything. People always wake me up." People sighed, "Give up. I don’t want to kill you or loose you. Come back with me and surrender the department to repair the ancestral hall and reflect on Yu Song. After three years," I won’t care where he likes to go if he wants to continue to work at home. What do you think? "There is not a trace of emotional fluctuation in the words of the whole people." You "and" You "Ci Sheng can’t believe why the whole people would be so generous to him.
"Don’t think too much about it. I don’t want to kill my brother. That’s all. My helper won’t do it for me." The whole generation shrugged and explained, "But" you don’t want any of these henchmen and helpers. You have to tell me who is behind you. "
The whole life has not become merciful. He is still a determined monk. He has become strategic.
【 Chapter one hundred and seventy-four See the micro know 】
Part-time workers have been brought old by the whole people, and the whole warehouse department has entrusted you with the "lion slaughter spring". Since the whole people have decided to kill Ci Sheng’s henchmen, it is natural for him to carry it out to the end.