"There is a brigade of Indra armored forces found 20 kilometers in front of Tiger Tiger. Please get ready!" The flying leopard is looking at the information sent back by the global satellite positioning system, and the reconnaissance helicopter sent back an alarm.

Flying leopard to the strength "a brigade Indra armored forces? Well, we’ll have a good fight this time! Order all land fire platforms to suppress the fire for me and let them taste our power! "
More than 30 land fire platforms are like seeing a red bull. The speed of 60 kilometers per hour is soaring. The 122 mm high-pressure musket slowly rotates. The reconnaissance helicopter will send back the data continuously through the data link. The hydraulic system will press the musket to the highest preparation shell, and the initial velocity of sound will be six or seven times. It is more suitable for land fire platforms than armored combat. Although it is between tanks and self-propelled artillery, it is more inclined to self-propelled artillery. What kind of fire platform should it be called?
In the distance, Indra’s 33rd Armored Brigade is carrying a strong breeze.
When the soldiers went away, they still met the attack of the Land Tiger Brigade. This brigade was the only armored force deployed by Indra in the Tali Desert. The main equipment was 62 and a small amount of 72 equipment was not bad. The problem was that the only brigade was hard to shake the Pakistani army. However, the 33 rd armored brigade did not choose the enemy’s attack speed. Before a line of defense was deployed, they rushed over and intercepted the troops. They just passed by and had them to eat behind them. At this rate, in less than 24 hours, they will be able to cross the Tali desert and copy the back road of the western front and the northern group. By then, Indra’s soft hinterland will be naked in front of the Pakistani bayonet!
The defense minister personally called and said, "The 33rd armored brigade will stop the enemy for six hours at least, and the army will give you enough time!" Upon hearing this order, the 33rd Armored Brigade knew that they had no way out. Indra’s army suffered such heavy losses and was burdened with the absolute heavy burden of the southern group on the western front. The number of fighters that could be deployed was absolutely limited. The Minister of National Defense said that they would come up with such precious fighters to support them when the system was sufficient. It can be said that there is a dead line behind them. They can retreat and cannot retreat!
The front-line scouts sent back a report saying that the main force of the Pakistani army was found 40 kilometers away from the brigade commander, and did not hesitate to tell the army that we need support! What he meant was to hit the vanguard troops of the Pakistani army in an ambush, which might cause chaos in the Pakistani army. After six hours of hardship, I didn’t expect that the army silhouette just appeared in the sky and the Pakistani artillery shells smashed up! No, not ordinary shells, but gun-launched top-mounted anti-tank missiles! Anti-tank missiles screamed at the target and plunged into several tanks that were starting. The huge body was heavily shaken. The crown of the skull was punched out as big as a plate. The dazzling flash of semi-molten metal fragments splashed into the sky. The fire burst out from that bloody wound. It was just a warm-up. The explosion fire has not dissipated. More shells have been rowed, and among them, towering trees made of steel and smoke have been planted. The stationary chariots have become the best targets. They are all shot and caught fire one by one. The armored soldiers climbed out of the burning chariots and threw themselves into tears, and soon they burned flesh and blood.
The brigade commander’s heart was cold, and he was beaten without even seeing himself. How can we fight this battle? Angry, he asked the artillery to suppress the fire of the Pakistani army. The artillery trembled and asked him for instructions to bombard the target. The brigade commander choked, but the artillery radar could barely capture the trajectory of the artillery shells fired by the Pakistani army, but it could not capture more valuable infrared signals. This means that they can determine the exact position of the enemy by root means, even if the guns are used, it will be difficult to seriously damage the enemy. On the contrary, they will expose the artillery position and attract heavy artillery fire!
Come here urgently.
MiG-23 fighter-bomber bravely rushed towards the Pakistani army, plunged into it with a 250-kilogram high-explosive aerial bomb, and then the bomb quickly broke, and the ass was generally pulled up in an emergency, more or less followed by several anti-missile Indra precision-guided ammunition. The base still used World War II mode to dive and bomb the anti-missile battalion of the Land Tiger Brigade and fired at the long-range anti-missile one after another, telling them how stupid it was to fight against a highly modern army with backward tactics! Two MIG-23s didn’t escape from flying metal fragments with missiles, and one of them was blown away by a near-bombing anti-missile and its wing immediately lost control, spinning and falling into the distance with black and red smoke. I believe that the pilot’s stomach acid was thrown out. Paying such a heavy price only caused more than ten casualties to the land tiger brigade. This exchange ratio is unbearable even for a double-headed eagle. It’s far from the double-headed eagle. Indra is rich!
Without three MIG-23 squadrons, the morale of the squadron fell, but this was just a disaster! Several annoying spots appeared on MIG-23′ s radar screen, which made Indra’s army hate Xiaolong fighters. They came out to hunt again. Angry MIG-23 squadron dumped all the bombs and took two fighting missiles to pounce on Xiaolong. Then they roared and chased each other. The missiles were pulled out, making people’s backs cold, and the white umbrella flowers suddenly bloomed.
More MIG fighters rushed to join the battle group, and the Pakistani army responded enthusiastically by investing more fighters. The battlefield expanded rapidly. Indra’s military ambition broke through the blockade of the Pakistani army and smashed the bomb to the head of the Pakistani army. The Pakistani military ambition completely beat Indra’s army and the situation became hot as soon as they met!
After the seventh MiG fighter was blown up, the 33rd Armored Brigade finally saw its opponent, the Land Tiger Brigade of the Yanlong Army! The mechanized troops of the Pakistani army fell behind for less than 20 minutes, but the Pakistani army was slow to join their small and medium-sized assault troops. Therefore, this battle is fairly fair to one brigade, but it is absolutely unfair from the perspective of both sides’ mentality and technical equipment. This is the disparity between the second-generation army and the third-generation army. It will not be in vain if the low figure of the first 69a main battle tank appeared in sight. When the 33rd armored brigade and two heavy artillery battalions made a total of 24 155 mm heavy artillery guns, they roared, and the artillery shells smashed into the sky in rows. The first car 69a was directly hit by 155 heavy artillery pieces, but more 69a appeared on the horizon and swooped down on them! Even worse is him.
Our 122-mm artillery has not ceased fire. This time, the heavy artillery battalion has not been hit much!
Dark red light, wrapped in hot air, flashed across a fh77 self-propelled gun that had just fired a shell. Its fat and fragile body was rolled up by the penetration department and a fire detonated the gun barrel of the reserve magazine. The gun barrel flew up more than ten meters high and smashed a millstone into pieces.
The dark red light flashed again and planted directly into the bore of a fh77 self-propelled gun, which blew up a dozen people nearby on the spot, and none of them came alive.
The dark red light flashed across a 62-face armor, and the temperature was as high as 4,000 degrees. In the narrow copper liquid, death was spread indiscriminately, and everyone was burned into a charcoal column.
In the face of this kind of precise bombardment similar to acupuncture, Indra artillery almost fought back. The muzzle velocity of the other artillery shell was too fast, and the barrel adopted liquid cooling technology. Even the ammunition was fired with expensive smoke and ammunition. The artillery radar imported from Sweden can capture the middle and final trajectory of the artillery shell. It can be said that it is a ghost to blindfold and fight with the other side. Less than five minutes after the fire, the positions of two heavy artillery battalions have been hit by flames, and explosions have broken out.
Boom ! !
A 13-mm tungsten steel armor-piercing projectile roared with coils of shimmering gas. A chieftain main battle tank that had just leaned out from behind the sand dunes was hit by a heavy shock. Armor debris and bits of metal liquid splashed out and the main battle tank weighed dozens of tons. A second later, the turret rolled back from behind the sand dunes with a fire. This is the 69a main battle tank Jie 69a, which was still in the stage of small-scale production and gained the reputation of "gunner"-no main battle tank’s frontal armor can withstand it.
More and more 69a came crashing down. Strangely, there were 30 tanks flying over, but they had more firepower than a tank regiment, and they died! The 33rd Armored Brigade gritted its teeth and pushed hard. Every chariot was frantically dumping ammunition. They had no chance of winning this battle. The only thing they could do was to pull more enemies together before they finished! The Land Tiger Brigade seems to like this most. The 69a type main battle tank rampages and kills in the 33rd armored brigade. No matter whether it’s 62 or Emirates type, it’s all reimbursed with one shot. Besides, the land fire platform keeps burning in the dark, which makes the 33rd armored brigade beaten everywhere, and the whole battalion is crushed. It seems to be more powerful than the tanks. They burst into flames in their roar, and the 33rd armored brigade tried its best to kill them. The situation is almost one-sided!
The brigade commander of the 33 rd armored brigade smiled bitterly. "This is simply a fight between children and adults!" See 72 shells fired by 69a
He was desperate after the thick frontal armor of the main battle tank-even if they fought here, they could not stop the Pakistani army for six hours!
Several gun-launched missiles flew in, knocking over two armored vehicles and directly hitting the command car. As soon as the guards pushed the stubborn brigade commander to the command car, it was directly hit by an anti-tank missile and then followed by a 13 mm high-explosive incendiary bomb. The smoke billowed from the command car and the pieces of the car body flew everywhere. The brigade commander was knocked down by the blast wind and covered in blood. It was hard to resist the pain. When I looked up, I saw a 69a 300-meter-away armored vehicle, which was very arrogant and rolled over with its huge tonnage. Less than four hours later, the 33rd armored brigade fought a war.
The flying leopard looked at Indra’s own attack and sneered at "gladiator’s arm as a car!" Give me another hour and I will be able to annihilate this brigade! " Then he turned his head and asked angrily, "What Pakistani army hasn’t come yet?"
The chief of staff of the brigade said with a strange expression, "The Pakistani army just told us that they have been ordered to retreat!"
Flying leopard couldn’t believe his ears "retreat! ?”
The chief of staff said, "yes, their department retreated and ordered us to retreat!" "
Flying leopard anger from the heart "what? Give me another hour and I will destroy this armored brigade! What to retreat? "
The chief of staff said, "The boss didn’t explain that he ordered us to leave the Tal desert as soon as possible … This is the order of the head of the army!"
I heard that Liu Weiping personally ordered the flying leopard to swallow a roar into his stomach even if he was full of unwillingness. "Brigade retreat!"
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Fighters spin (4)
"thar desert is a nuclear waste treatment area in China, where dozens of tons of nuclear waste are buried at a depth of 20 meters …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
"In view of Pakistan’s unrepentant and fierce attack on the Indra Defence Force, the government’s patience has reached its limit, and it will launch a saturated missile attack on the enemy who broke into our country in the short term to urge Islamabad to reflect!"
The Pakistani army’s frontline headquarters played this news video over and over again. All Pakistani generals were livid, and their eyes almost blew fire to shame Indra people. They just played tricks if they couldn’t beat them! No one knows whether there is nuclear waste in thar desert or not, but if you combine these two news statements, the Indra people’s meaning can’t be more obvious. If you dare to break into my hinterland, I will dirty bomb and turn the whole thar desert into a ghost, pulling your hundreds of thousands of elites to die together!
This move doesn’t mean that Pakistan can’t afford to play without vicious crash and burn. Even if it is known that this is likely to be a nuclear blackmail, Pakistan can’t help it. They can’t afford to take the risk! Chiani will be silent for a long time and sigh "Let the children retreat."
A deputy staff officer was surprised. "But then we may miss the opportunity to defeat Indra forever!"
Kiwaya will say, "I’d rather miss the opportunity than risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers." Look at Liu Weiping. "What do you say, Major General Liu?"
Liu Weiping said, "If the rabbit is in a hurry, it will bite. I would do the same if the white elephant changed the head of my country." His expression was somewhat depressed. "Didn’t his grandmother say that Ah San was a celebrity with stupid money? How could he suddenly play such a dirty trick?"
Chiani will say, "I’m afraid you must be a major general here. Your old man Belan’s play has made the world have a deeper understanding of the cause of extortion. This move of Indra is of course a loss, but it’s mostly like learning from you. You are still half a teacher of Indra!"
The staff couldn’t help grinning. Liu Weiping was even more depressed and rubbed his nose and said, "If his sister doesn’t learn, they will cry sooner or later!" After the hair was malicious and silent for a long time, I spit out a silent breath and said, "It is definitely a terrible opponent to come up with this recruit!" He is as ruthless as I am, and he will do whatever it takes. I bet if we ignore his warning and let the main force plunge into the rear of the western front and the northern regiment, he will really launch a dirty bomb and pile up hundreds of kilometers of Jedi in the desert! "
Liu Weiping shook his head. "It’s not heels who are determined to make such a crash and burn plan. It takes courage to dare to put it into practice, and it takes courage and hell consciousness. He won’t be ignorant of the consequences, but he still came up with such a plan. This can say that he is not only cruel to the enemy, but also more cruel to himself! Such a person does not despise letting the spy department quickly find out the identity of the planner of Shiva Eye. I want to see his most detailed information! "
Several staff members should be busy