When Private Dickas climbed the highway highland from the anti-inclined blasting hole, he was shocked by this scene. It seems that more than half of the 30-meter-high hills standing next to the highway have been cut off by heavy artillery shells. The reserved positions have disappeared. A company of more than 100 officers and men have disappeared. The machine guns in the bunkers have disappeared. The main peak of the undulating hills is inserted-the French tricolor flag on the highland side is fragmented.

"Don’t stare blankly. Do you want to eat German guns or what?"
Bunidu’s loud position echoed with Dickas’s borrowed shovel, which was ploughed by artillery. The position was dug up desperately, and the floating soil several feet thick was quickly cleaned up. When Dickas was determined to strike while the iron was hot, the sharp shovel seemed to cut something, and blood gushed out from the deep black land with the smell of smoke.
"ah!" The young private panicked, dropped his shovel and retreated again and again, then tripped over a stone and fell to his knees to loosen the soil.
Private abnormal shocked the second-class Shi Bunidu, who participated in the Battle of Marne River. The new veteran came over and squatted on the ground. The black soil was stained with blood, and soon he dug a warm body with blood from the eluvial soil.
It’s a young body with a green face, and Buni doesn’t change color. He doesn’t jump, sniffs and shakes his head. He spat, "erde (French equivalent to D) just died, which made me busy in vain!"
The warm wind blew too high. Not far from the body, a bunch of dusty blue irises were dancing in the wind.
"Don’t be afraid of the Germans’ heavy artillery, but we can’t do anything!" A few years older than Cadiz, the second-class Shi Buni sighed and patted him in shock. Cadiz comforted, "When calculating, the British supported us with heavy artillery. We should land in Cadiz. I swear that we will fight back with the British heavy artillery at the latest!"
"Scholars don’t need to expect that the German ghost has launched a charge and supported us. The British heavy artillery has already been buried in the belly of the fish …" Major Millay, the commander of the highway highland, came up with a cat on his waist. His eyes were full of despair. "In the morning, a German fleet raided the port of Rostock. When the German submarine took the opportunity to sneak into the main channel of the English Channel to mine mines, at 44 minutes, a British transport fleet was hit by German mines, a escort destroyer and six transport ships sank, and a British infantry battalion and a large number of materials were destroyed."
The second gun Chapter 5 British two-front war (3)
The fifth chapter British two-front war (3)
On November 1, 1914, at 3: 00 p.m., the waters near korol Port, Chile, in the South Pacific Ocean.
Scharnhorst, Gnesenau, Leipzig, Redstone, and five German corvettes Spey, who rushed to meet Nuremberg, commanded the korol waters in the East Pacific to advance southward according to the search formation. At the same time, a British naval combat squadron composed of a heavy cruiser, two light cruisers and an auxiliary cruiser was also aggressive in the north.
At 3: 34, two steel fleets belonging to different camps collided head-on in the vast waters of korol. The former German Redstone cruised the British Glasgow almost at the same time and found several wisps of smoke in the southeast and northwest.
"Single-handedly, the Emden has two scharnhorst-class large armored ships in the Indian Ocean, but we sank a small French gunboat and several allied merchant ships …" Baum Garten, the watchtower of the barrel-shaped main mast at the stern of the armored ship Shane Khost, kept complaining to his colleague Gefenus while carefully searching the ocean with a high-powered telescope. "It’s a pity that this good ship is heroic!"
"Don’t be discouraged!" Gefenus patted the cold steel body of the armored ship Shane Horst proudly. "According to the intelligence of the Admiralty, there are only two old battleships and several armored cruisers in South America. Watch, Commander Spee and Captain Auden will lead the British South American sub-fleet to become the most brilliant victory in the history of our East Asian fleet sooner or later!"
Even when Baumgarten and Gefenus were busy at the watchtower, the atmosphere in the commander tower of Saudi Khost was equally relaxed and cheerful.
"The opponent is stronger than we expected …" Lieutenant General Maximilian-von Spee squinted with a pencil in his hand. "Auden, do you have any suggestions?"
At 3: 04, the Redstone light patrol sent a confirmation that the British * * ship was cruising in the waters of korol, but it was composed of four warships. The combat squadron Spee threw a pencil to the command table of the command tower, and the chart rolled several times. bernhard von Auden held down the cheerful pencil and did not laugh.
"Commander, if only that old star battleship was also in korol, then our victory would be even more brilliant!" Thirty-six-year-old Auden ignored his army as sharp as an eagle, and his eyes flashed from time to time. Limon grabbed a pencil and charted the korol area with a heavy cross. "You must know that we are not a Rodgers Twinsky mad dog fleet but a glorious and great German East Asian fleet!"
Auden, the hero of the Three Musketeers in Kiel Sea School, pushed the hat brim of the military cap.
A moment later, Count Spee’s mouth twitched faintly, and the German Admiralty was famous for its brilliant talents. An old man smiled at each other and a young man smiled at each other. Lonely and arrogant banter resounded through the commander Tatsu. A group of rigid German staff officers and deputy officials with rigorous and meaningful bones looked at each other
At 3: 47, the harsh alarm went out from the buzzer, and the well-trained sailors came out from all corners, or scurried in three steps and two steps, or galloped along the escalator slide, or jumped from the crowded and narrow pavement, or looked up from the roar engine room.
Flammable objects are turned out regardless of throwing them into the sea; A character was put back in the restaurant, and the chef was busy putting tableware and food into the beer barrel. Sandbags, plugging plugs, canvas rigging and fire-fighting appliances are put away, and all loose appliances on the deck are tied up; The gunners and gunners who got into turrets and control towers took off their coats one after another, taking advantage of the tranquility before the war to relieve their tight muscles; Engine room Han will find out the repair machinery and wait for the German man’s most eager home!
"Five German ships and two large armored ships?" Major-General craddock turned the Glasgow light tour to watch the cold sweat flowing down his forehead and down the open collar into craddock’s heart, which was instantly condensed into frost from the fiery heat. craddock showed his pride and temperament for the first time, but his throat tightened and gave him a vibrato. "Who can tell me where the scharnhorst and Gnesenau came from?" !”
Britain’s South America Sub-fleet has two battle squadrons, one led by Major General craddock, including the old battleship Cape of Good Hope with Old Man’s Star, the armored cruiser Glasgow with Monmouth and the auxiliary cruiser Otranto, and the other led by Major General stoddart, including the old battleship Canavon, the armored cruiser Bristol and the armed merchant ship Aulama, which are stationed on the east coast of South America. Uruguay is thousands of nautical miles away from korol.
In view of the strength of the German fleet and its isolated posture, Major General craddock has reason to be afraid. Although his flagship Cape of Good Hope has been eradicated from the German navy, the scharnhorst class belongs to the heavy cruiser, but the E class heavy cruiser is actually a quasi-battle cruiser scharnhorst class. The Cape of Good Hope is like a dwarf in Lilliput.
In 1997, Wang Haidi first came up with the concept of the perfect cruiser. Erpitz realized the potential value of the perfect cruiser. In 1994, he came up with the E-type battle cruiser shipbuilding plan, which was strongly opposed by William, the owner of the ocean fleet and the emperor with a special liking for battleships. So Erpitz had to retreat to the next excuse to develop heavy cruisers and steal the column to build a concentrated perfect cruiser. In 1995, a code-named E-type heavy cruiser was freshly released, which was the famous scharnhorst-class large armored ship.
Scharnhorst-class large armored ship is the only one in Nuo Nuo. The German Admiralty’s strong character emperor William was forced to compromise "half" the scharnhorst-class large armored ship with a full displacement of 1.
Five-ton ship with a length of 16 meters and a width of 24 meters, with a freeboard and a forecastle, has three three-expansion steam units with maximum power of 3.
The maximum speed of horsepower is 25 knots
It is worth noting that Shuang Jie Heidi Sillem and Wolfgang Wei Gena advocated that the conservative naval design department finally broke through the idea of 21 guns plus barrel multiples and shell penetration, and adopted 24-SKL/ Type 4 guns with 14 pairs of 24 guns are arranged along the center line of the bow and stern. The 15mm auxiliary guns are distributed in a diamond shape, and there are four 45mm torpedo tubes. In terms of defense, the average thickness of scharnhorst-class waterline armor is 135mm, and the average thickness of the paperback deck is 12mm at the thickest part, and it can reach 79mm at the thickest part. In a sense, the scharnhorst-class large armored ship can be shrunk. battle cruiser is just like the full displacement of the scharnhorst-class No.3 ship blucher in 1997.
The defense force of the 2-SKL/45 main gun with 2 mm double loading at Tonnage Gate is also higher than that of scharnhorst and Gnesenau, and its comprehensive strength is quite close to the first German battle cruiser-Von de Tanne.
Since Germany passed the "First Naval Expansion Act" in 19 years, the tragic German-British naval arms race drama was full of energy. Marshal Hill was afraid of the ship and battle cruiser threw stones to ask for directions, which successfully tested the sincerity of Erpitz’s theory of risk and relied on the powerful shipbuilding strength of the British Empire and the strong naval force (the British pocket army cried …) to stabilize Germany. However, Erpitz took on the naval minister for more than ten years, and the German navy was not proud of the British people because of the naval arms race. Germany can always easily catch up with the British when it comes to an epoch-making new technology and applies it to naval vessels. They launch the theory of "cottage" to follow the trend, which is far more mature in quality or technology than the British Empire. The rectification movement of the Royal Navy Shipyard, the British intelligence department, churned out many unjust and false cases, but the German cottage business is still booming, so the British can console themselves with the speed of building ships and several "firsts"
After World War I, the British wanted to know the truth behind the arms race, but the senior officials of the German navy who knew the facts and swore allegiance to the emperor kept silent. General Reinhard von Schell, who published his memoir after World War I, had a few strokes.
"In 1995, Marshal (according to the author of Erpitz), a lifelong enemy (according to the author of Hill), started the plan to build the dread ship. After learning the news, Marshal was almost ecstatic. He reported it to the emperor. The emperor was shocked and took out the design scheme of our Nassau-class battleship in no hurry. So the emperor took no chances. I knew that since Heidi-Selim went out of the dread ship concept in 1997, Marshal instructed the technical department to secretly track down the private design draft of the technical design department and constantly improve the British to rob the United States of the first dread ship.
Although the scharnhorst-class large armored ship is worthless in front of the real patrol, it is obviously a solution in front of the craddock fleet. The main gun of craddock’s flagship Cape of Good Hope has a caliber of 234 mm, and its firing rate and artillery power are far from scharnhorst. Old-fashioned battleships with old-fashioned asterisks certainly have four 35mm cannons, but the old-fashioned asterisks are, after all, a product of the times. The hull of the old-fashioned battleships is aging, the speed of artillery is slow, and the power of ammunition is insufficient. How old are the crew members of the old-fashioned asterisks? To put it bluntly, this 10,000-ton giant ship has the ability to scare people. Momus and Glasgow are similar to light cruisers. The British light patrol suspects are not unusually persistent in defense. The German rival ship of the same class, the auxiliary cruiser Otranto, is not worth
"General, the Germans are aggressive. Why don’t we retreat first and meet the old man’s asterisk …" The captain of the armored cruiser Cape of Good Hope faltered.
"Retreat how to retreat? !”
On January 29th, Major-General craddock turned down Major-General stoddart’s kindness to let stoddart’s fleet keep the port of Montevideo in Uruguay. Three days later, craddock’s stubborn East Asian fleet became a ridiculous and childish selfishness, from manipulating life and death hunters to killing prey and riding a tiger. craddock was angry and anxious to tear up the captain of the false military intelligence Glasgow.
"Even if I am willing to bear the stigma of chicken out, what should I do if the speed does not exceed 1 knot? Don’t throw it to the Germans? !”
The command tower of the armored cruiser Cape of Good Hope fell into a dead silence, and all the commanders and staff members were silent. Major General craddock calmed down. He slowly took off his military cap and sank. "Tell the old man that the asterisk will go south as soon as possible, and Major General stoddart will meet up and inform the Admiralty that my combat squadron found that craddock, the main force of the German East Asian Fleet, was determined to fight the German fleet to the death. God bless the king!"
A series of orders from the commander tower and the signal flag, experienced students and cadets who graduated from the military academy took action in their respective posts and tried to manipulate thousands of tons of huge ships to the end of the road. The craddock fleet turned to meet the blood-red west sea and rushed to try to seize the word horizontal head, symbolizing the centenary pride of the Royal Navy. Nelson Z-flag slowly rose and the horn of war was destined to be played in the remote and desolate South Pacific.
1 generally refers to the gun caliber sk is the abbreviation of naval gun l/4 refers to the barrel multiple. I don’t know much about German artillery, so I chose the army gun to lengthen the barrel multiple …
The second gun Chapter 5 British two-front war (4)
The fifth chapter British two-front war (4)
On November 1, a small-scale naval battle broke out in the korol waters of the South Pacific, and it was always one-sided. Although craddock’s fleet was tenacious, it was too tough to have two quasi-war patrol East Asian fleets.
At 3: 57, craddock’s fleet changed from a fan formation to a horizontal formation in an attempt to seize the horizontal head. However, Count Spee easily kept the British fleet parallel by virtue of its speed advantage.
At 4: 01, the main gun of Nuremberg No.15, a light cruiser belonging to Stetten class, hit the auxiliary cruiser Otranto in the first round of volley. The former main gun of Otranto was hit and then burst into flames. At 4: 23, the Otranto sank nearly seven officers and men, and only one of them was rescued.
At 4: 47, craddock’s fleet turned again and tried to seize the German fleet route. Count Spee remained unmoved and continued to keep its course. At the same time, the Leipzig cruised to Glasgow, England, and the confrontation ended. Glasgow was shot and the eleven-story building was almost completely destroyed. At 4: 57, the fire swallowed up the Glasgow ammunition depot and caused a violent explosion. At 5: 03, the 1911 protective cruiser hated korol.
At 5: 35, the craddock fleet failed to turn and gradually tilted. The sunset dazzled the British gunners. The armored cruiser of the Cape of Good Hope and the light patrol of Monmouth were almost desperate
At 5: 55, the large armored ship Ganesenau was entangled with the Monmouth, and finally failed to support it. After the main gun ammunition depot broke out, the flames were soaring, and even foreign ships in several nautical miles could see it.
At 6: 24 pm, the bleak afterglow of the sunset exposed five warships of the East Asian Fleet to the South Pacific. However, the Cape of Good Hope failed to seize this only chance to escape, because the damn Monmouth cruised the blazing fire and lit up the nearby dark waters.
Before the line of sight was poor, the Monmouth was suspected to be the best reference for German gunners. The armored cruiser Cape of Good Hope was unfortunately hit by a 24 mm heavy artillery. Major General craddock sent a farewell report to the British Admiralty.
"craddock Fleet Spee Fleet War Last Ship One Man The Cape of Good Hope sank, so it was difficult for us to realize the final pride of the Royal Navy Captain Nelson. Long live the craddock Fleet! Long live the Royal Navy! Long live the British Empire! At 6: 51 on November 1, 1914, craddock wrote his last words. "
"Commander, we won! After the Battle of Helgolan Bay, the century-old glory of the Royal Navy, the korol waters were trampled again, and history will remember today! " The large armored ship "Shane Horst" has become a joyful ocean. The German sailors moved out the long-hidden large beer barrel, and took a swig at the 36-year-old bernhard von Auden by the twilight moonlight. Pointing at the sinking beer barrel, the armored cruiser "The Cape of Good Hope" is full of pride for his crew. "korol is by no means an East Asian fleet end of the tour. We want to go home and make the rebel fire on the island of Ireland more and more fierce, so that the ocean can surround the island country and have a taste of two-front war!"
The white-haired Earl Maximilian-von Spee slowly raised his arm and made a strong gesture. Lang Lang said, "Auden is right to go home!"
On November 1, 1914, when the naval battle in korol was in full swing, a classic naval battle broke out in a corner of the Crimean Peninsula far from the European Black Sea, where a patrol challenged five old-fashioned battleships.
At the end of the afternoon and autumn, the Black Sea continued to be windy and stormy. Wilhelm Soloqin vice admiral commanded the "Turkish" fleet, which was tirelessly looking for fighters near the Klim Peninsula. Almost at the same time, Lieutenant General Andrei Avgustovich eberhard was impatient and did not hesitate to lead his Black Sea fleet to sea after learning of the Romanov dynasty’s declaration of war.
It has been 60 years since the Crimean War. Those brave soldiers buried deep in the black soil and seabed of the Crimean Peninsula, Britain, France and Russia, still failed to find their way home to drink that cup of wine. The sense of shame left by Nicholas I has not dissipated, and the war has reignited in the waters of the Crimean Peninsula. Two fleets met hand-to-hand at Sochi Point in the southern part of the peninsula.
In the face of decades of poverty and weakness, Lieutenant General Andrei is extremely arrogant and arrogant. Lieutenant General Andrei hastily ordered five old Russian battleships, the flagship of evers Tafei, the first ship, and the second ship, the artillery command ship Ivan Zarathustra, to quickly seize the favorable formation. However, Lieutenant General Andrei overestimated the tattered and old maneuverability of the Black Sea Fleet. When Andrei’s flagship Tafei of evers and Ivan Zarathustra, the second ship, had completed the steering, it was 19 years of water. Anonymous waves turned the golden horn to the antique Terry Svetlana and Rosslav in the last century, which made them unable to even make simple steering and braking. Andre expected the formation of the horizontal line not only failed to take shape, but also because the fleet was inconsistent and disjointed, and soon the Black Sea fleet was divided into two parts by itself.
In the event of a river day, the Black Sea Fleet has only one patrol. Lieutenant General Soroqin has reason to be confident that although the Russians have five battleships with 35 mm main guns, the number of them exceeds that of the Yavos. However, the big naval battle in the era of big ships and giant guns is not a simple number comparison and superposition. The Russian warships have been in service for too long. evers Tafei, Ivan Zarathustra and Bojiangjin are both old-fashioned armored ships, Svetlana and Rosslav turret ships, which can be traced back to the early 1890s. The old morale of the Black Sea Fleet was also worrying. The Japanese-Russian war planned to slash the two-headed eagle navy, and the Tsar Navy was devastated. The lack of diligent training officials made the Black Sea Fleet more turbulent. Just before the outbreak of World War I, the Black Sea Fleet had a famous battleship named Bojiangjin sailors.
On the other hand, Soloqin’s fleet, the Ottoman Empire, tried its best to collect and ingratiate itself with miscellaneous brands. Although the ships have different models, the speed is generally faster. If Soloqin makes up his mind to retreat from the Russian fleet, he can’t look at the ocean and sigh. Even if the Black Sea fleet confronts Soloqin head-on, it’s not a good chance to win the battle. The Yavos patrol is the first time that Mao Qi-class patrol No.2 has adopted large-angle bow, Gao Qian side and long bow. The ship design has good wave resistance and seaworthiness. Full displacement exceeds 2
4 tons long, 176 meters wide, 29 meters wide, 24 boilers and 2 Parsons steam turbines, with a maximum power of 5.
The maximum speed of horsepower is 261 knots; There are 5 double-mounted 35mm main guns, 12 15mm auxiliary guns, and both the waterline armor and the front armor of the main turret are more than 25mm. German warships have always been in short supply, and the paperback deck also has 17mm firepower. The defense force is amazing and the speed is far ahead of the five old Russian master ships. It is suspected that it is worse than the sky. There is also a man named Heidi Selim who talks nonsense in 1997!
"Selim, I hope you are right about Verne’s science fiction!" Soloqin is not a weak Turk, whose blood is saturated with soul of china, a great German country. He has a heart that looks like a powerful Russian Black Sea fleet, and the artist is bold. Lieutenant General Soloqin silently recited Heidi Selim’s famous second-class international secret paper "On Asymmetric Warfare in Battleship Times" and calmly reached the war instructions.
At 16: 44 in the northern hemisphere, the sun sets in the west, the sea breeze is bleak, and the sea battle at the Cape Sochi, the battleship Taffey of evers, fired 35 rounds, and the sea battle was extended. It was distributed to two fleets with a large number of cruisers and destroyers at a distance of 9,000 yards. The main characters can be the Yavos patrol and five battleships of the Black Sea Fleet.
The battle has been in a state of anxiety since the beginning. The flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the evers Taffey, and the artillery command ship Ivan Zarathustra, the old battleship, have patrolled several rounds of artillery battles, which is different from the past history. The naval battle in Sochi is not disturbed by the foggy weather. The patrol officers will maximize the firing rate and hit rate of Krupp artillery. Andre’s flagship evers Taffey is instantly riddled with holes.
One minute later, the famous battleship Golden finally joined the battle group. Three armored ships, 12 doors and 35 heavy artillery pieces of the Black Sea Fleet were barely able to recover a little psychological advantage. As time went on, the distance between the two fleets was approaching, and the fighting distance was 7,000 yards. Three Russian master ships, 12 doors and 23 heavy artillery pieces finally sent a field. Ivan Zarathustra fired a 23 artillery piece and hit the patrol boat Yavos, and its stern shelled the Yavos 15 mm deputy. The stern of the Yavos spread in the sky fire.
Soloqin quickly commanded his Russian fleet, the Avos, to distance himself from Lieutenant General Andrei, but the aging steam engine of the old ship was unwilling to cooperate with Andrei, who could watch the fighter disappear and return to the hands of the Avos patrol.
At 17: 25, the artillery battle of three old battleships, the Yavos, continued to fall behind, and the Terry-Svetlana and Rosslav finally came after them. Obviously, these two master ships helped Lieutenant General Andrei, and their main gun roots could not reach the Yavos. On the contrary, if Sorochen was interested in soft persimmon, the Yavos patrol could easily sink these two century turret ships.